About Us

RASBA is run by Volunteers and is a Not-for-Profit incorporated association.

Why RASBA has been formed

RASBA has been formed by several small business owners operating in the City of Vincent. They are concerned about the COV ignoring their very own narrow consultation results and as a result, a series of decisions made by the COV threatened the livelihoods of these small businesses. If decisions such as increase parking fees, increased rates, reduced services (COV no longer collect commercial rubbish) continue, then the wider community will suffer when these businesses end up closing. This is AVOIDABLE.

The current committee is made up of some small business owners who at this stage prefer to keep a low profile at this early stage while they continue to work in establishing the assocation so others can become involved, especially residents.

Please note that a meeting will be convened in March 2024 and it is at this stage that RASBA will be seeking nominations from the wider community to join the committee. More information will be provided on the Events page as soon as the information is available. In the meantime, please ensure you are on our email mailing list so that we can also send you updates directly into your inbox.

This group exists to ensure that residents, ratepayers and small businesses are not ignored and that the views of our members are heard by Councillors and the City of Vincent administration.


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