Getting Involved

Confucious said ‘Many hands make light work.’


If you are a small, medium or large business operating in the City of Vincent, we would be grateful if you could sponsor RASBA. RASBA is a non-for-profit group with the aim of supporting residents, ratepayers and businesses within the COV. Together we can form a stronger voice and ensure our real concerns are factored into COV decisions that affect our livelihood. To do this we need funds for admin, website hosting, printing, events and more.

In return for your sponsorship, we will advocate for you as best as we can. We we also feature your logo on our website, promote you on our socials and provide a back link from our website to yours.

There is always room for more volunteers. If you are interested in contributing, please get in touch and we can find a way for you to help. All welcome.

Types of roles available:

  • Delivering Letterbox flyers - this is broken down into many small areas so there is not too much for any individual.

  • Distribution Coordinator - we need someone to coordinate the current group of walkers, assign areas and ensure they get their flyers each round.

  • Website content - contribute stories

  • Social media content - posting and sharing posts

  • Attending COV meetings and speaking to issues

  • Events Manager - help RASBA with events.

  • Events Assistant - multiple people required to assist at events. See events page for upcoming events.

  • Photographer - Desperately need royalty free photographs of COV places and people. Photographer will receive credit, backlink and promotion on socials.

Can you contribute in another way? Get in touch and let us know.

Sponsor RASBA

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