City of Vincent council adopts 7.6 per cent rate rise, scraps free first-hour Leederville parking for $1 fee

City of Vincent is slugging residents with increased rates, increased parking and threatening the livelihood of small business owners??!!

Excerpt from The West Australian: Vincent mayor Emma Cole and councillors have held firm against staunch opposition, including from two of their own, and voted for a major rate rise and abandoning free parking for the first hour at its Leederville and other paid carparks.

A $1 “nominal” fee for the first hour of parking was approved on Tuesday night as part of the city’s budget and the rates bumped from 5.5 per cent to 7.6 per cent to establish a cash-flow fund for its underground power program.

Both measures proved a sticking point for dissenting councillors Ross Ioppolo and Ron Alexander, and businesses and ratepayers who argued the parking change would have a “catastrophic” effect on local business and questioned why those who had already paid for underground power would have to contribute to others getting it.

Read the full article here (note: behind a paywall)


Backlash from businesses on $1 parking fee


Vincent puts rates up 7.6%: The Voice Newspaper