COV Puts rates up again

The City of Vincent increased rates AGAIN in the latest 2023/2024 budget approved by council. Only two councillors expressed concern about this - Ron Alexander and Ross Ioppollo. We thank these councillors for their continued efforts in questioning the spending of the COV administration. They continue to budget over $20m for capital works, yet since 2014 have not ever spent more than $11m in a financial year. They continue to increase rates, even though they are not spending on the projects the community needs.

Economic responsibility must prevail.

Ratepayers are suffering record high inflation, rising cost of living and significant rent increases and with interest rates on the climb, mortgage stress is real.

If you are struggling to pay your rates, the COV has a financial hardship fund and you can apply for relief. Find out more in this article.


Financial Hardship: Rates relief for residents


$1 Parking is Damaging our Town Centres